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They created an application to help you get pregnant

Date of publication: 2 years ago

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They created an application to help you get pregnant

MIM Solutions’ application is based on artificial intelligence algorithms and supports the embryologist in selecting embryos with the greatest development potential. Soon the developers of the software want to release the application in the Polish, European and American markets.

FORBES WOMEN: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning still sound abstract and futuristic. Where does such interest come from?

Urszula Sankowska, MIM Solutions: MIM Solution was founded by my husband, Piotr Sankowski, and Piotr Wygocki – both outstanding specialists from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw, who dreamed of promoting and commercializing the academic knowledge of algorithms and machine learning. I joined in 2019. I graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics, earlier I dealt with broadly understood business, so it was easier for me to get to know the new industry and its possibilities. 

You may read the whole article in Polish here – read more >>

 Source: FORBES.

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