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Infertility treatment among the most important AI trends of 2022

Date of publication: 3 years ago

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Infertility treatment among the most important AI trends of 2022

What are the most important trends in AI for 2022? According to the well-renowned magazine, WIRED infertility treatment is the one that requires the most attention!

Why? More than 300 million people worldwide suffer from infertility. There are many reasons for that: we opt for parenthood at the later stages of our life, we live less healthy than in the past, and – what is the most important – we seem to be less fertile than our grandparents. Hence, the world needs innovative solutions to fight infertility-related problems and raise the effectiveness of in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

WIRED experts indicate artificial intelligence as one of the best ways to tackle them. AI Embryologist, as they name the technology behind innovative infertility treatment, is expected not only to raise the probability of IVF success to 75% but also to make the whole process more affordable and convenient.

If you want to learn more, you can read the entire article here – WIRED.

If you want to know how MIM Solutions tackles infertility problem, please check out our article.

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Data Scientist und Entwickler

Adam Witkowski, Data Scientist und Entwickler bei MIM Solutions, nahm an der Data Science Summit 2020 teil, die am 16. Oktober begonnen hat. Er präsentierte